Thursday, August 28, 2014


"Three things cannot be hidden long, the sun, the moon, and the truth"- Teen Wolf
 I try to live by this quote because it has so many different meanings behind one quote. When it says that the sun cannot be hidden for long it means that even if you had a bad day another one will come. So don't stay in the past; look forward to the next day and how you are going to make the next day a better day. When it says the moon cannot be hidden for long it means that every day has an end. Once the sun has set and the moon comes out the day is done. So if you haven't had the best day instead of continuing that bad day try to have a good night. The last part of this quote is my favorite. The truth cannot be hidden for long. Although lying can sometimes be easier because the truth can hurt, it is better to tell them the truth and get it over with, instead of creating a lie.

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