Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Inner-tubing Adventure

On a dark night in Minneapolis I decided to go tubing down the Minnehaha creek and it was one of my biggest mistakes ever. Me and my friends had been planning to do tubing down the creek for a while but never got around to actually doing it. It was about 5:00 pm. My friend Nick texted me and he asked if I wanted to float down the creek with two guys named Zeke and Luke? I said yes, but Nick didn't end up picking me up until after 7:00 pm. The sun was still out but we were running out of day light. Before hopping into the river we had to blow up the inner-tubes. That took a lot longer than what we expected so we didn't in the creek until around 7:20. We were having a good time in the beginning of the adventure, but the creek that was extremely high because of all the recent rain that Minneapolis had received. They had warned my about a dam ahead but said it was no big deal. As we are approaching the dam there is a huge sign that say WARNING DAM 800 FT AHEAD. This sign was when I first started feeling like this wasn't the best idea.

When we could hear the dam I was starting to get scared, it sounded so powerful. When we started to get closer Zeke said that if you stay to the right side you'll get through fine. Me and the other two were to frightened and we wanted to get out and walk around. We stayed over to the left and watched Zeke make it through competely fine. Nick and Like decided they wanted to try to make it through the dam. I didn't want to seem like a chicken so I went with them. On the way over to the right side I looked down the terrifying rapids and became very scared of the dam and tried to go back over to the left side and go around. This was the wrong choice, about half way through the current became to strong and it pulled me into the dam. I was thrown off my tube and my whole left side of my body got bruised and cut up. I made it through the stone hard dam with minor injuries compaired to what could've happened.

We still had about 1 hour and 30 mins left of creek to travel. This was when the moths came out. The sun had set now and as soon as the darkness came so did the millions of moths that flew franticly around for 4 to 5 minutes and then we would get a break but soon enoug they could come back. This is how the remainder of the trip went and it was so unbarable but the only option we had because walking would take so much longer. Advanchually we arrived at the spot where the other car was parked and we dried off. Zeke and Luke brought me and Nick back to Nick's car and then nick dropped me off at home. I was freezing cold, covered in bruises and cuts. So if you ever want to go floating down a river or creek make sure you do not go at night.

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