Monday, February 9, 2015

Blog Post 12

Hills Like White Elephants, Ernest Hemingway

Name: Henri LaMere Date: 2/9/15 Period: 5

  1. What do you think is the main message of this story?
          The Main message is to say that the idea of abortion is a tough subject to have a conversation about, whether you are the one getting the operation or not.  
  1. The narrative switches between dialogue and setting.  What is the significance of the hills and the train station?
          The significance of the hills, is that they could represent a woman's stomach when she is pregnant. The train station represents the couple at a point in there life where they have two options, to either get the abortion or to not. That could be related to a train station because with trains you can go different directions, just like the couples choice with going different directions. 
  1. Towards the end of the story, the girl says, “Would you please please please please please please please please stop talking?”  What causes her to reach this point?
          The girl reaches this point because she has been talking about something that she doesn't want to talk about for far too long. So he gets irritated and asks the man this.
  1. In your opinion, is the dialogue believable?
          Yes the dialogue is believable. They are talking about something that is pretty awkward to talk about and their conversations are kind of awkward, so therefore it is believable.
  1. How do you interpret the end of the story?  In particular, the final lines:
“Do you feel better?” he asked.
“I feel fine,” she said.  “There is nothing wrong with me.  I feel fine.”
           I interpret the end of the story as the girl not really being fine, but she is done talking to the man. When your not doing the best but someone asks you how you feel you always respond "I feel fine" so that the person your talking to won't worry, and will stop talking to you.
6. Write your own interpretive or evaluative question about the story.  Feel free to contribute your question to our conversation!
What other kind of operation do you think the American and Jig could've been talking about?

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Blog Post 11

Open the door and what do you see? A grandfather clock, captivating clicks letting you know that the limited time you have continues no matter what you do. What do you smell? Fresh food flying ferociously into your nose and lets you know that you are home. Clean laundry lingering like leftovers that are either eaten or given to the dog. Who greets you first no matter what when you walk through your doors? Your dog, a labor-doodle named Chico. Expressing energetic energy that is contagious. Without him our home would feel empty.

Walking through those doors is a reminder of what I have, and rather than complaining about what you don't have being extremely grateful for what you do have. Driving down that dangerous hill that leads you right to the place you call home. 50th, the street you drive on everyday to get to school and to get to the place you call home. Going from car to car, park to park, house to house, I am glad that in the end of the day I have a place to call home.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Blog Post 10: Miss Representation

How are woman represented differently in the media compared to men?
Women are almost always displayed as sexy, or attractive in te media so that male viewers will be more likely to watch. However men are displayed in almost every way even if they aren't considered attractive to women. The media is dominated by men and that is the reason that woman have to be attractive in order to get attention in today's movies and other forms of media.

Do men have a greater chance of being successful in today's society?
I would say that it is almost even, but men do have a little bit of the upper hand. History shows that men have had most of the power in this country considering that there has yet to be a female president and very few woman high up in the government.

Is sexism something that is learned or something that we are born with?
Sexism is definitely something that is learned because I will admit I have been guilty before of sexism. Now that I've learned what sexism is and how common it actually happens I have tried to stop myself from being sexist. It starts at a young age, you are taught that certain things that are usually weak are girly and things that are strong or tough are manly.

How can sexism be eliminated?

Who is to blame for sexism in the media?

Monday, November 24, 2014

Blog Post 7

You should eat broccoli because it is really good for you. Broccoli is loaded with tons of vitamin C, which is something that you need in order to grow big and strong. If you don't want to get cancer, you should eat broccoli since it fights cancer. It has a whole bunch of vitamin A too. Also if you want to keep your eyes, skin, teeth, and bones healthy than you should probably start eating broccoli. The only way that broccoli can be bad for you is if you eat it way too much. So even though you don't like broccoli that much, you don't have to eat it that much. Simply have a couple pieces of broccoli every once and a while and you'll keep your body nice and healthy.

There are many ways that you can eat broccoli. You can roast it, steam it, or cover it with cheese. If you want to you can chop it up and put it in mac n cheese, or any other pasta. You can cut it in little chunks and dip it in ranch dressing. You can make it into a drink and add other fruit juices to make a delicious healthy drink.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Blog Post 9

How to write about the United States. When writing about the US make sure you include how fat everyone is, never include the people who are in shape and not over weight. Make sure that you talk about how unequal the society is, don't write that people are trying to change the nation to a better place for all. Keep in mind that everyone in America has a gun and that they aren't afraid to use it. Write about how much fast food is everywhere you go, but make sure you don't mention the people trying to cook home made meal every day and night. You want to be sure that you include how everyone in the US is extremely lazy. Adding something about how wasteful and non eco-friendly the people of America is key.

Don't talk about anything that shows the United States in a good light because we all know how bad it really is. If you didn't say anything about Americans being fat yet add it in. If you already said something about American being fat might as well say it again to really get your message across. Put anything in that has to do with freedom and bald eagles because that's what America is all about. Keep in mind that American have no money. After all the US total debt is nearly $18 trillion so therefore everyone who lives in the US must be broke. Make sure that whatever you do you don't say a word that leads people to believe that the United States is a good country.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Blog Post 8

"Out of the experience of an extraordinary human diaster that lasted too long, must be born a society of which all humanity will be proud." Nelson Mandela went threw a lot of hardship in his younger years. When Mandela was attending the College of Fort Hare studying for a Bachelor of Arts degree, but he was expelled from the school for joining a student protest. People treated Nelson with disrespect his whole life and he only wanted to have a world filed with peace and justice. He wanted people to look at the new South Africa that he was going to create and see that they had improved.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Blog Post 6

  • My results were somewhat accurate it guessed that I lived in Minneapolis but other cities were also suggested such as Tucson and Spokane. The words live pop and roundabout contributed to determining my location both words are mostly said in the north.
  • I think that other words contributed to the inaccuracy of my results. Words like frontage road have a very wide spread range of areas that use that word. 
  • Some one would take a test like this to learn about what type of language you use, compared to where we actually live. We care because this could be a factor that helps us decide where we would live later in our lives.